Transfer to New Facility

My father was admitted to a Nursing Home in May 2018. He had been diagnosed with dementia 2 yesrs prior. By Jan 2019 it was clear that the Nursing Home could not look after his needs and suggested he relocate to a Dementia Specific Bed. His name was placed on the waiting list at several homes. In Feb 2019, the home he was in, located a bed at another home ( same branded home) 30 minutes away. They assured me that it was a ‘transfer’ and they would look after everything. In May/June the new Nursing Home started sending invoices for the full amount (my father is a concession resident). Every few weeks they would call my sister to advise we had not filled in the paperwork. Each time my sister would request which paperwork. The employee could not answer. In early July my sister passed passed away. As a result they started calling myself. I finally advised that I had to complete a new ACAT assessment. I asked why we had not been advised earlier and she stated they werent aware of the need until now.

I submitted a new ACAT to Centrelink. the Nursing Home received a letter confirming that my father is indeed a concession resident.

the Nursing Home is still after the full amount. Totalling $30,000.
I would like to know how do I resolve this. Is it up to me to liaise with Centrelink or is up to the Hime.

Apologies for the long email, written out of frustration.

Hi Dementia,I am assuming by describing your father as a “concessional resident” you are referring to the fact that Department Human Services (Centrelink ) has determined that due to his financial circumstances he is a fully supported resident and so does not have to pay an accommodation fee. To be a fully supported resident a person must have an income below $27,460 and assets below $49,500. A fully supported resident has to only pay the basic daily fee which is 85% of the single rate of the Age Pension. This is currently $51.63 per day (or $18,844.95 per year) as of 20 September “Low Means Resident” is one who is either fully supported (as above) or partially supported. A partially supported resident will be asked to pay a contribution toward the cost of their accommodation which is based on their “means tested amount” as determined by Centrelink. This amount can change if your assets and/or income changes during your stay in residential aged care. The only reason I can think of for the extra fees is if your father is a" partially supported resident" (not fully supported) and the dementia specific bed he has moved to has a higher cost associated with it or the new aged care home has generally higher costs than his previous one. However if he is indeed a “fully supported resident” then his fees should all be paid by the Australian Government. It may be worthwhile calling the Income and Assets Division of DHS on 1800 227 475 to clarify this.
All the best,