Protected person

Hello my mother has recently entered a nursing home. We filled out the required forms for assessment and await the results. Father has passed away many years ago. My sister has lived with my mother for about 18 years but not as a carer. Our mother was quiet capable until the last 2 years. Can carers leave be back dated if they prove my sister did look after my mother in the years before going into the facility. Can my sister stay in the house. My sister does work. The debate is whether we will have to sell the house and until such time pay the daily fee of $2000.oo per month. Help me out here.

Hi sendhelp,
The 85% of the single age pension is the daily care fee. With regards to specialist aged care advice we use Affinity Aged Care Financial Services on 02 8078 0888. They have offices in Sydney and Brisbane.
Aged Care 101 team

Thank you much for your reply that is so helpful. If my sister does not qualify as a protected person and my mother does decide to keep the house is it that my mother would then need to pay the daily fee on top of the 85% of pension payment. This concerns me in that my mother has not a lot in her bank account and these funds would be drained quickly. Where would we seek specialised care financial advice and how long does it take?

Hi sendhelp,
With regards to the family home a person is consided “protected” if you are a close relative who is eligible to receive an Australian Government income support payment and have been living in the family home for the past 5 years. You will also be considered a Protected Person if you are a carer who is eligible to receive an Australian Government income support payment and have been living in your family home for the past 2 years. It is my belief that receiving this Government Income Support Payment is key. You must continue to be in receipt of a Centrelink or DVA income support payment to qualify as a Protected Person. If your sister has not been claiming this support then she would need to check with the Department of Human Services to see if she really does qualify as a Protected Person. If your sister is indeed a Protected Person then it is our belief that she can stay in the house indefinitely and it will continue to be an exempt asset for the means tested care fee while she resides there and she will retain her Protected Person status to qualify as a Protected Person, the home will be assessed at the capped rate (currently $168,351.20) when assessing your mother’s means tested care fee and will continue to be assessed at this capped rate indefinitely. However your mother has two year period from the date she entered the aged care home before the family home is included in her assets assessment. If your sister does not qualify as a protected person and at the end of the two years your mother decides to sell the family home it will assessed at its full value which c an have an impact on her means tested fee. Whereas if your mother keeps the family home the value will be capped at the $168,351.20.Everyone’s financial situation is different and for that reason we always recommend that whilst it may be an added expense that people seek specialised aged care financial advice.
Aged Care 101 team

Sorry above should say carers pension not leave! oops