Payment of rendered services

Has anyone employed private personal carers / contractors (not agencies) to provide home care for their aged parents in their own home?
I am asking as my mother has forgotten how to speak English and has reverted to her mother tongue language- Croatian.
Therefore, I am wanting to “hire” a private personal, one that speaks Croatian.
I am not sure how they invoice and how do we pay for their services?
My mother is registered with My Aged Care for and has been accessed and can receive Package Level 1 - Basic care needs approximately $8,800 per year.
Can I use this $$ towards getting own personal private carers. Lets say the personal private carer charges $55.00 per hour and provides the services 1 x per fortnight = $55.00 x 26 fortnights = $1,430 leaving $7,370 annually.
Does the personal carer charge us directly to pay for their services. If not, where would they send their invoices to be paid?

My understanding is that you must go through a HCP package provider and cannot self manage the package. They do the invoicing etc. They charge a range of fees so look for one that has NO daily fee, and low set up, admin, case management and exit fees. Unfortunately fees are unavoidable and can eat up much of the package. Check HOW they charge admin and case management fees. Some charge a pecentage, others a set number of hours per month at a set rate. You will find some providers will charge over 40% of a level one package in fees.Fees are taken out of your HCP package (apart from the daily fee, which you pay if the provider charges it).And bringing your outside staff usually a 10% surcharge on t

Many agencies administering HCP will allow you to hire your own person. There are criteria that need to be met (check with the agency) and usually approx a 10% surcharge for the invoicing. Also look at agencies such as Mable who at first pass seem to be geared towards this. I believe Olivet (in Ringwood) also allow you to choose your own staff for a surcharge.