Parents need help but are not accepting

My parents are presently level two but are being assessed for a higher level as the doctor and physios and provider think they need more care. They are not accepting the fact that they need care and are rejecting the help and desperately trying to maintain their independence. They are paying the highest rates for daily fees so are not getting the value from their packages. My question is - Can we cancel or put on hold their packages and just pay independently for the services they are accepting until they are assessed as needing the level 4 package or will this impact their place on the waiting list for a higher level package.

Hi sjoyce,
According to My Aged Care when a person decides to cease a package they will go back to the date when that package was approved (not commenced) with regards to the waitlist. Your parents will need to speak with their provider to terminate their current agreement. My understanding is that you cant put a package on hold but each provider runs their own business so worth discussing with them. When they are ready to accept a higher level package your parents will need to be reassessed for eligibility for the new level package.
Regards, Jill