Parent Visas

Hi agedcare101,

My family are moving back to Australia from Europe and we would like my mother-in-law migrate to Australia on the 884 or 864 parent visa. Under these visas she will receive medicare once the visa is approved and then the pension after ten years.

In the unfortunate circumstance that she requires aged care in this 10 year period (75 -85 years) I have had trouble understanding if she will be eligable for a subsidised room in an aged care facility for approx $60 a day or if our cost will be the $300 per day for an unsubsidised room.
From my experience with my father, I understand that normally the pension effectively
covers the cost of a room in a aged care facility.

My questions is that I am unsure which organisation is allowing the subsidised room and hence what are we likely to have to pay according the the results of the ACAT assessment. She has a small German pension of about $1000 per month but not much else so we would carry the remaining costs.
Is the ACAT looking at pension through Services Australia , or medicare, or my aged care or would she simply qualify as a perminant resident when she does the ACAT Assessment. I have not been able to get a very clear answer from the various government departments I have phoned.

Any guidance appreciated.
Kind Regards
Nick H

Hi bowres42,I think you would have to ring the Department of Immigration on 13 18 81 or have a look at the link below.

You could also call the Spanish Embassy in Australia which is located in Sydney. Here is the link to the website. Or you can call them on (02) 9261 2433



I have a question about the situation of my father’s European residency and I’d love to get your opinion regarding the following:

My father is a European citizen and he’s been living with us in Australia for over 10 years. However, he wants to find a decent nursing home and go back to Europe. Recently we are looking for a decent property in Spain for my father and my daughter wants to go to Europe with him and become a resident of Europe with my father’s visa. Is it something possible?

Hi NickH,

I am not familiar with regulations concerning visas with respect to access to government aged care funding. However with respect to some of your other queries:

As you are no doubt aware the ACAT assesses a person’s care needs - physical, medical, social, psychological and cultural. This is then used to decide what level of care a person requires either for a Home Care package or residential aged care. The ACAT is organised through the central government agency My Aged Care - 1800 200 422.If you choose residential aged care you then have to submit an Income and Assets assessment to the Department Human Services (DHS) to decide what level of government subsidy you are eligible for towards your aged care fees. People who have very few assets may find they have all their care fees fully supported by the government. Others may be partially supported depending on the outcome of the assessment.

Everyone who enters an aged care home regardless of their level of government support must pay the fee which is equivalent to 85% of the single person age pension rate. Currently that is set at $51.63 per day (as of 20 March 2020) and is indexed with the age pension each March and September.

Your accommodation, means tested fees and extra service fees (at some homes)will depend on the results of your Income and Assets assessment and the aged care home that you choose. It will also depend on the room rate that you negotiate with the home. All aged care homes must publish their maximum room rates and are not permitted to charge higher than this. To discuss Income and Assets assessment you can call DHS on 1800 227 475.

You will find that specialist aged care financial advisers will have a good overview of the implications of visas with respect to aged care fees and the pension etc. Whilst they will charge you for the service that will probably be a faster and more efficient way of obtaining the correct advice. I am sorry that I can’t help you more.
