Number of ACAT assessments

Your website has a comment that more than one assessment is possible; however an ACAT assessor advised us there would only be one. Surely someone classified as level 1 or 2 is likely to progress to level 3 or 4 - how is this assessed if not by a subsequent ACAT assessment?

Hi Poppy,
People changing Home Care Packages happens all the time due to people’s needs constantly changing so the good news is that no one will be surprised by the request. You’re right, your mum needs to be reassessed by the ACAT team (or ACAS if you’re based in Victoria). You can request this by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, 8am to 8pm on weekdays and between 10am and 2pm on Saturdays. Given that your mum is already receiving a Home Care Package, a lot of her details will already be in My Aged Care’s system. Have any paper work from your mum’s current home care package nearby for when they ask questions. Be mindful that if your mum has not given you permission to make enquiries on her behalf, your mum will need to be in the room to vocalise that she is happy for you to enquire on her behalf. Explain to them that your mum’s needs are requiring a higher level of support and request that she is assessed again. They will ask you the urgency of her needs and thest in. An ACAT team member will come to your mums home to talk to her. Youre welcome to be there too, to help explain the challenges that are arising.
We hope that helps,

I think that Ineed my mother to be put into the next level of her Home Care Package due to her lessening mobility…I live with her as her carer & can see her deteriorating further. I cannot find the Health and Lifestyle questions which were referred to earlier…Does my mum need to be reassessed? How can she be placed into the next level of care, whilst remaining at home?Please help.

Hi Jen,We have checked with My Aged Care and they have reaffirmed that with your Home Care packages you can request a reassessment (ACAT) at any time if you feel your situation has changed. You will have to call my Aged Care and go through the Health and Lifestyle questions again.With Residential Aged Care you usually only have one ACAT unless you are in for respite care only.regards