Not much help available from My Aged Care

Continuing the discussion from Home Care Support in Epping VIC Finding the Right Assistance for Your Needs:

I recently had a shoulder replacement in a private hospital and i mistakenly thought that the hospital would organise transitional care, but i was told at the pre admission clinic 2 days prior to surgery that being a private hospital they don’t organise transitional care. I did ring My Aged Care 2 weeks before Christmas to find out if i could get some help for when i got home from hospital and after answering a heap of questions i was told someone would come out and assess me, but no one came. I ended up ringing My Aged Care from the pre admission clinic (2 days prior to my surgery) only to be told that the person i spoke to before Christmas never processed my claim. I did end up getting all the referral codes, but in the end i couldn’t get any one to help with the gardening or cleaning although the cleaning was organised in the end but i would’ve had to wait a couple of weeks to get one and a half hours a fortnight or one hour per week. I had a nurse help me shower before i left the hospital which was on a Saturday and someone was meant to come over the following Tuesday to help me have another shower. I got a phone call on the Monday to say that the person that was meant to come was unwell and there was no guarantee she could come on the Wednesday , so i ended up putting my head under the laundry tap and washed my hair myself with my good hand as the other arm is in a sling. Then i managed to give myself a bit of a shower. I have since worked out how to shower my self independently without help, and i can still manage to keep my house reasonably clean, and i let them know i was right to manage myself . I’m just getting some meals delivered. And i have a friend that can drive me to my appointments. Just as well i can manage to look after myself as i would’ve been sitting in a mess waiting for someone to turn up . There must be other people in my situation recovering from joint replacement surgery that wouldn’t be able to manage on their own, these people would just about have to go into respite to be looked after or go for private help. Before i had the surgery everyone was telling me that i would need help for when got home, so that’s why i rang My Aged Care, .but i was a lot better than i thought i would be and didn’t really need to much help. So i was lucky.