Hi, my 85 year old mother is suffering from dementia. She has lived here for 20 years on self funded retiree visa and does not receive Medicare but has paid into private health fund for the past 20 years and still does. Given her circumstances is she eligible to apply for nursing home accommodation as her dementia progresses?
We are both very concerned about what the future holds for her as a non resident of Australia.
Hi Pauline,
Thanks for your question. This is a tricky one. On paper we have to admit it doesn’t look too promising however we hope that if someone is suffering from dementia and is not of sound mind, that they wouldn’t be forced to leave Australia. The first thing you should do is to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and explain your mum’s situation. When you call, they will ask for your medicare number. Say you just want to make a query and at this stage don’t want to set up a client number with them. Hopefully they have some options for your mum to stay in Australia.
We would be interested to know how you go. If you have time, let us know.