
My father was at a privately run aged care facility in Melb for only 2 weeks and passed away. His care plan included to be checked up on every 30mins due to high risk of falls. On the morning he passed away he woke up at 0630hrs and was asked if he wanted to have a drink or go to the toilet. He refused both and was left in his room. Why he wasn’t taken to have breakfast in the meals are is still a mystery to my family. Apparently he wasn’t checked on at 07:00, 0730 or 0800. He was found at 0805 when the morning shift were on The medication rounds. In the morning the registered nurse left 2 voice messages to the effect of “please call the home as we found your father dead”.

We didn’t even get any Comms from facility to express condolences.

We met up with Service Mgr and the reason they didn’t check up on our father was because "the registered nurse FORGOT to do so?

Who do we lodge a complaint with because their neglect contributed to our father passing away.
sorry for the long post.

Thank you Jill, will do.Will keep you all posted on the outcomes.

Hi Arcadia123,
If you are not satisfied with the aged care provider’s response you can contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission either on line or by calling 1800 951 822.