My 86 year old husband may soon require home care. I work full time. Eligibility?

I am 64 and work full time in a well paid job. My 86 year old husband may require some assistance at home soon. Am I eligible for any funding to assist with this Or do I need to access it and pay privately?

Hi Annebob,

You will be required to submit income assessment form either on the website or you can directly go to their office for further more detailed information. Most importantly, they will call you for further assessments and for further inquiry ( you can also opt for emergency assessment where ever needed)I could only suggest you to go privately for home care services. They are well trained and certified to handle high tense pressure situations. I would highly suggest you to ask further assessment inquiries from the website given below. They can guide you in more detailed.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, call one of our experienced and reliable Care Managers at (303) 987-5992, our representative will be glad to provide the information.

Hi Annebob,

To assess whether your husband is eligible for Government financial assistance towards a Home Care package he will be required to submit an Income Assessment form. I have attached the link below. Depending on your income level you may still qualify for some financial assistance.

Your husband will also require an ACAT assessment to determine his care needs prior to accessing a government funded Home Care package. This can take up to 6 weeks to organise (although emergency assessments can be done if necessary).Your husband will need to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to register and they will then co-ordinate the ACAT team to come to your home for the assessment. Be aware that currently there are a fixed number of Home Care packages available which means that there is a national waiting list - particularly for level 3 & 4 packages. If your husband only requires one or two services such as help with shopping., meal preparation or some allied health services then he may be eligible for the Commonwealth Home Support program which is easier to access. Once again this is accessed via My Aged Care. I hope this helps
