Manage Home Care Package for my parents

Is it possible for me to manage the home care package for my parents? How is this done?

Hi sljoyce,
My understanding is that the only cost that may reduce is the case management fees. All others remain the same.
Regards, Jill

Thank you,
We have received the letter about changes to aged care fees. If we manage our parents HCP are the basic daily fee and the maximum income tested care fee still applies.

Hi Sljoyce,
Thank you for your question. Most of the time it is possible to manage a home care package for your parents. Check that you have a power of enduring guardianship in place to act for them. A package provider has the choice if it is going to allow people to self manage their Home Care Packages or if the package provider only going to allow the provider to manage the Home Care Package themselves. The majority of package providers will allow it. The first thing to check is if the package provider you are with will allow this. Phone “If I have a Home Care Package Level (you fill in your parent’s level), am I able to self manage it?” They will either say yes or no. You could make the call anonymously if you wanted to ask more in a hypothetical style. There are two main reasons why people want to self manage Home Care Packages. One is that it gives the person receiving care more immediate control and the other is that you can save money on case management fees. Be mindful that the administration fees charged by the package provider are still going to be charged even if you are self-managing. The administration fees cover the actual payments of invoices, not organising of care. Self-managing a Home Care Package can be a lot of work, but it can also really help tailor the care package to precisely the needs of your loved one and in some cases, more quickly. If your Package Provider says that it does not allow the self-management of Home Care Package, come back on the forum and let us know and we will let you know what other options there are. We hope this helps,
the agedcare101 team.