Is Basic Daily fee negotiable?

is the $51.21 per day negotiable?
spoken to AgedCare rep and was advised to speak to the nursing home and try to negotiate.
do they normally want to negotiate? logically speaking, wouldn’t that be their income? wouldn’t they be thinking if you can’t afford it, go away as other people who can afford it, would want your room?
the 2nd advice was to also submit Financial Hardship to Centrelink.
the asset and income assessment was just submitted last Friday so we haven’t got the outcome as yet … can I submit the Financial Hardship now as that $51.21 won’t go away, regardless what the outcome is?

Hi dchang,

My understanding is that the basic daily fee is non negotiable except if you are eligible for Financial Hardship from the Australian Government. If you are granted Financial Hardship you will have assistance with the basic daily fee, means tested fee and/or accommodation costs. Financial hardship is not granted for extra and additional service fees. According to the government’s My Aged Care you will not be eligible for Financial Hardship if you have assets (unless they are unrealiseable assets ) valued at more than $36,121.80 or you have gifted more than $10,000 in the previous 12 months, or more than $30,000 in the previous 5 years.

The explanation for eligibility for Financial Hardship is explained at the government link below:

As you have already submitted the Income and Assets form (which is a prerequisite to apply for Financial Hardship ) you could ring the Department Human Services (DHS) on 1800 227 475 to clarify how long the process is likely to take. If you don’t qualify for Financial Hardship you will be expected to pay the basic daily fee which covers living costs such as meals, laundry etc., and is set by the government at 85% of the Single Basic Age Pension (not including supplements). This is currently $51.21 per day (indexed 20 March and 20 September every year in line with increase to Age Pension).For a fully supported resident the basic daily fee is the only fee you have to pay. To be a fully supported resident you must have assets below the minimum permissible assets amount which is currently set at $49,500.Residents with assets over $49,500 and up to $16"partially supported residents and will have to make an accommodation contribution which is based “means tested amount” as determined by DHS. With regards to accommodation fees (RADs and DAPs) you cannot be charged more than the published amount and in some cases if you cant afford that rate the provider may be willing to negotiate a lower rate.

I hope this helps