
How is one become protected person? My wife is in nursing home. We are both owners of our home and I am living in our home still, and do not intend to move elsewhere.
She is able to visit our home when OK, our last bit of normality we have. I want to know if I wanted to move bring her home and use gov home care is that possible? If not happy in her current accommodation


Hi Trevor,
A spouse living in the family home is considered a protected person when their wife/husband enters residential care. It is possible for people to stay in their home and bring in care services under the federal government’s Home Care package program. Your wife’s care needs would have been assessed when she had her ACAT assessment to enter the aged care home and this will dictate what level Home Care package she would be entitled to. I would suspect if she was eligible for residential care then she would be requiring most probably a level 4 Home Care package. Unfortunately there is currently a waiting time of anywhere from 12 months to 36 months for level 3 and level 4 packages depending on a persons specific care needs. However given your wife has been admitted to residential care you may be able to hasten this process. I suggest you first speak with your wife’s General Practitioner to see if they can assist you with this matter. They may then assist with a connection with you if necessary. You could also call the government’s My Aged Care who oversee all ACAT and Home Care services for further information. You can call them on 1800 200 422 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday. All the best.