Fees for Parent on Aged Parent Visa

What are the fees if there is no government financial support? My parent is on an Aged Care Visa which does not allow any social security contributions for 10 years, only a Medicare.
Thanks in advance

Hi BelindaJ,
Our website does not cover visa implications and aged care so I asked aged care specialist Robert Craven at Affinity Aged Care Financial Advisers and he responded as follows: You have not said which Visa your mother has so he assumes you are referring to the Retirement Visa (Subclass 410) as it does not allow any pension or social security payments and is valid for 10 years from the day of grant. It is normally renewed for a further 10 years on application. His understanding though is that 410 visa holders are not usually eligible for Medicare benefits so I suspect your mother may be on a different visa. I note that there is also a 804 Visa, a 864, 143 and 103 visa - all with varying conditions attached. With a 401 visa non residents can apply for an ACAT assessment and subsequently move into residential aged care. The aged care home will receive Australian Government funding and the resident will be required to pay the same fees as other Australian residents. However the Government rese right to recover their costs if the resident’s visa conditions require them to give an assurance of support to repay their aged care and/ or medical costs. If your mother is on a different visa you may need to contact the Department of Immigration to clarify her situation. I’m sorry we can’t be of more help.