Enduring guardianship

My grandmother has appointed me as enduring guardian, however I understand it only has effect when she has lost the capacity to make her own decisions. What is the process for determining this when someone has dementia? I am in a situation where it is looking increasingly likely that my Grandma may need to go into permanent care (which she has approval for), but I’m not sure whether she will do this voluntarily so am trrying to figure out my options.

Thank you Nellie for sharing your own experiences which in turn helps others. Navigating the world of Aged Care regulations and finances can be a long and often confusing journey. Sharing knowledge is invaluable.

Hi CBa,
You will most likely have to go through the same process as me, and get a doctor and geriatrician over to assess your grandmother, and they will determine whether or not she can act on her own behalf, so you can get that letter that will enact the Guardianship. Are you her representative for my aged care purposes? If so you should be able to make the necessary arrangements.