Enduring Guardianship and Mums Lawyer

It seem my elderly mothers’ new Lawyer who we saw in order to prepare POA and Enduring Guardianship documents has decided my sister and I are not to have copies of these completed documents. I don’t mind about the POA but mum is cognitively impaired and very frail so I would like a copy of the enduring Guardianship. (also I have no confidence in her GP) Can he legally withhold this from us?
Thanks, Jenny

Hi Scrappy, I’m not sure where you live in Australia but if you have any questions relating to Powers of Attorney in NSW you can contact the nearest branch of NSW Trustee and Guardian on 1300 364 103 to discuss any issues. The rules and regulations differ from state to state so for other states you can find the link this website to the states re these issues around guardianship etc. Click on link below and scroll down to bottom of page

