Eligibility for Residential aged care

  1. How does the assessor determine one is eligible for Residential aged care and the subsidy that one would get ?

  2. Is there clear classification of residents into category based on care needs and the subsidy that one will get?

Hi limpfinterest, An ACAT assessment (aged care assessment) is an assessment organised by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT, or ACAS in Victoria) and is required for a person who needs to be approved for Government-funded services including; a nursing home (aged care home), home care, transition care or respite care. An ACAT assessment is used to make a recommendation for the type and level of care that will best meet your needs. The assessor will look at: your health and medical history your physical requirements, such as how well you can get around and do everyday activities your psychological needs, for example, how you are feeling and whether you have experienced depression or mental illness your social needs, including family and friends and support networks any special needs or concerns, for instance, religious and cultural beliefs, sexual preferences or language issue Aged Care Assessment (ACAT assessment) | agedcare101 Once the ACAT is completed your mother will a letter letting her know if she has been approved for Australian Government subsidised aged care services. Her letter will outline what type of services she is eligible for and why. According to the government’s website "Residential aged care is for older people who can no longer live at home and need help with everyday tasks or health care. "Some people may not require residential aged care but their ACAT will determine that they qualify for a Home Care Package where services are brought into a person’s home. These packages range from level 1 through to level 4 (with level 4 being the highest level of care package offered).You can read about this at the link below:Home Care in Australia | agedcare101 For a place in residential aged care your mother will need to submit an Income and Assets assessment to Department Human Services (DHS) to determine what financial support she is eligible for from the government. How do I complete an income and assets test? | agedcare101 Your mother will then need to decide on which aged care home she prefers, do a tour (I’d recommend several visits to really get a feel for the home) and meet with them to discuss the financial aspects. All aged care homes have different price points depending on the type and age of the home, services provided etc. If your mother is eligia Home Care package she will need to submit an Income assessment form to DHS to determine what subsidy she will receive towards her package. Once this is finalised your mother can then choose a package provider to supply her services. If you have any concerns about your mother’s ACAT you can always speak to My Aged Care who oversee the assessment process on 1800 200 422.If you have concerns about your mother’s financial assessment from DHS you can call their Income and Assets centre on 1800 227 475RegardsJi