Did not claim carrers payments and the DAP

My father had a stroke over ten years ago my partner and I had been live in carers in my father’s home as he needed 24 hour care, My father had a home care package where they would come and shower him 3 times a week and sometimes laundry if needed for one hour. Due to it being to personal for my partner to carry out My father went into a aged care home nearly 2 years ago due to his declining health and we could meet his care requirements. We have recently received a letter about his house being classed as an asset My partner and I never claimed a carers allowance as we didn’t feel it was necessary to claim extra money off the government if it wasn’t desperately needed, but we have recently found out by not claiming any payment it has stripped us of a protected person status and it affects us all. Is there anything we can do about this. we have recieved the omg letter now and are really confused by it all, if we pay his DAP directly to the aged care home do we have to claim hes recieving rent on the centerlink assets test?

Hi Sparkles,
We hear stories such as yours all the time unfortunately. Family members care for older relatives without “drawing on the government purse”" and are then disadvantaged financially by doing so when their loved one goes into residential care! Once the two year period is up your father’s home will be included in the assets assessment for the purposes for his aged care fees. If he chooses to sell the home the full value will be assessed. However if your father chooses to keep the home then it will be assessed at a capped value of $169,079.20 (as of 20 September 2019) or the net value of the home if lower. According to the government website (see link below) all rental income is included in the aged care means test for residents who entered care from 1 January 2016 or moved to a new service from 1 January 2016.From 1 January 2017 the rental income exemption ceases to apply to the age pension.

Aged care | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

If you want further clarification on your fathers fees I would suggest you call Department Human Services Income an division on 1800 227 475.Because everyone’s financial circumstances are different we always recommend that people seek specialised aged care financial advice. It can save time and money and protect one’s financial situation going forward.