Courses to care for relatives

Hi I am looking to become more qualified to look after my elderly parents myself instead of sending them to a home. I saw that the VIC Gov. have made a aged care course free and want to do that? Has anyone done the Certificate IV in Ageing Support and can recommend this?
I found the free course here → Free TAFE Courses in Victoria - but don’t know much about the scheme? Has anyone else heard anything about it?

Hi Amber,
We can share a bit of our understanding about the free training course offered by the Victorian Government. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria announced that should he get in after the next Victorian election, he would make available about 30 Tafe training course one of which focuses on aged care. It is our believe that this won’t come into effect until early 2019 and Andrews would need to get back in. It is also our understanding that you would need to be a Victorian citizen to qualify for the free course and that Victoria is the only Australian state offering such things at the moment.
We hope this helps,
The Agedcare101 Team