Communication with a care recipients and their family's

Hi Everyone, Wanted to ask how everyone manages communication with a care recipient and their family’s? We are finding this a real problem and have not been able to find any good technology to help us manage it

We use Carepatron to send daily updates to the family and friends of our residents. It’s a fantastic tool for us to showcase the high-quality care we provide with messages, videos and photos. Best things of all is that we only pay $20 per month for our while centre : )

Hi Topcatch,It is good to see you taking the initiative to help your residents and their families.I’m not sure what communication issues you are referring to specifically ie language, speech problems, dementia etc but I see that Independent Living centres at the link below advertise communication aids. I havent used any of them myself though. issues were discussed at the Aged Care Royal Commission and a suggestion was made about communication boards in resident’s rooms where staff and family can share information about a resident’s likes and dislikes with regards to their care so that everyone is working together to ensure the resident has the best possible outcomes.There are also apps you can buy that translate words into English and other languages such as Google Translate and iTranslate amongst others if there are no staff available to translate for a resident or family who have English as a second language.RegardsJi