Centrelink assessment for a couple separated by illness

Hi there,
My dad is has been put into a nursing home. My mum is still in the family home.
I have been told by Centrelink that they can be assessed for an extra benefit as they are living apart due to illness.
Could anyone please tell me where I would find the form for my mum to complete to get this assessment done?
My mum is drowning in the costs of the nursing home at the moment as she is still waiting on Centrelink to work out the means testing amounts.

Hi Mandy,
Thanks for writing in again. We asked Robert Craven from Affinity Aged Care Financial Services for some help with this one and he has come back with the following advice. In terms of finding the form for your mum to complete - the aged care facility normally notifies Centrelink or the Department of Veterans Affairs (if the resident is receiving a DVA pension) as soon as they transition to permanent residential care. Centrelink or DVA then normally adjust the pension to the illness separated couple rate from that date. If this hasnt happened, you should either phone or call into a Centrelink or a DVA business centre and ask them to adjust their records.
Centrelink is currently running weeks behind in their processing. Any interim Means Tested Care Fees being charged by the Facility will be retrospectively adjusted when the assessment has been completed.
We hope this helps.