Assets Question

My father suffers for vascular dementia. He is presently a resident of an aged care home and has been since May 2017.
My siblings are currently attempting to relocate him to a Dementia Specific wing at another home.
My father’s only income is the Aged Pension, of which he received $916 a fortnight. The only asset he has is ownership of a relocatable home, valued (in its present state) at approx $80,000. However, the fortnighly rental payable is $254 plus nominal charges for water/gas.
At his present home the basic daily care rate is $50.66 a day, the daily accommodation payment is $8.67. In addition his pharmacy bill is approx $60 a month
Therefore, in a 31 day month the payments are more than his pension.

I am currently paying the fortnightly rent and any diference between the monthly charges and his pension. I also pay for outings, haircuts etc.
My question is: Are there additional ongoing costs involved with a Dementia Specific home? We currently having a hard time finding a place for him, within a 20 k radius of his family.
Any help will be appreciated


Hi Dementia,
My understanding is that the cost of a dementia specific unit within an aged care home should not be more but it will depend on that particular home. Even in the general section of the home there can be differences in room costs depending on outlook, whether it is a shared room etc. It is worth asking the question. The manager or administration personnel who oversee admissions should be able to help you with that. Dementia specific units are specifically designed for people with dementia but not all people with dementia require a specific dementia unit. People who may not be safely accommodated in general residential facilities are usually best suited for a dementia specific wing. I would ask the homes that you look at what programs they have in place for dementia residents such as individualised activity programs, safe wandering areas. Are the staff trained in dementia care and what is the staff ratio to residents. It is thought that some separate areas are beneficial for people with dementia particularly if they are showing signs of restlessness and wandering which is common behaviour. If specific dementia unit is not possible then an area in the aged care home (such as a wing or designated area) could be appropriate to provide the resident with dementia with a safe place. Obviously medication costs can change depending on your fathers health and I assume he has a pensioner concession card to assist with these costs. I hope that helps,
Agedcare101 team