Aging in Place responsibilities

My mother is in a hostel classified as high care and has been classified as that since she has been there for nearly three years. She recently had a fall and broke her leg and had to have an operation (at 95). She recovered well from the operation and returned to the hostel under the Aging in Place policy. The social worker at the hospital had to confirm this with them as there was some discussion initially about not taking her back as she was not able to walk straight after the operation. In a conference meeting with the clinical nurse, doctors, physios, etc from the hospital, it was recommended that mum have physio when she returned to the hostel (They keep telling me they are a hostel, not a nursing home), however, they said that they don’t have a physiotherapist and that I would have to pay for that service myself. A number of people have told me that this is not correct, however, I would like to clarify this and get some written information that I can take to them. My understandind under the Aging in Place policy is that they are responsible for providing all of the care and treatment that she needs upon return to the hostel. You advice would be appreciated.

A care home also needs to be suitable for the needs of a resident. Old ‘hostels’ are still the same building and structures they were when the delineation between low and high care was removed. The changing needs of a resident unfortunately does not mean that the care home that was suitable at entry always remains suitable (eg a facility with no dementia specific services being a safe home for a resident who develops significant behaviours). The resident is still entitled to receive care and services as per Specified Care and services - but may need to outsource some services, or provide assistance to find a suitable new service that can meet the long term needs of the resid

Tnaks Jill.

Hi Trish, The care needs of resident living in an aged care home may increase over time. Ageing in place means that a resident does not have to move to another home when their care needs become greater. Most aged care homes provide physiotherapy albeit varying hours of therapy per resident per week depending on the size of the home (number of residents) and available hours of the therapist. I worked as a physio in aged care for 15 years and sometimes families subsidised therapy when they felt what was provided by the home was not adequate for the level of rehab required. If you believe you were told your mother would receive a certain level of care and that has not occurred you could contact OPAN (Older Persons Advocacy Network) on 1800 237 981. They are a national service with offices in each state. They may be able to provide you with the information you require and advise you as to the best course of action.