
How long does it take to get an a acat asssessment.

Hi Philip,
Thanks for your question.
How long you have to wait for your ACAT assessment will depend on how urgent your situation and need is. The My Aged Care contact centre staff will determine that from the screening process when you speak to them on the phone.
If your situation is deemed urgent because you are at high risk of harm or in a crisis situation an ACAT assessment can be done within 48 hours.
If you are not at immediate risk of harm but have had deterioration in your physical or mental health; or your current level of care is no longer adequate, the ACAT assessment appointment could take between 3-14 days.
If you are concerned about things getting more difficult for you but youre still getting by on your own or with the support you currently have, you might have to wait longer than 14 days for your ACAT assessment.
So the first step is to call My Aged Care on 1800 200