Hi Josh,
You mention that your aunt has qualified for the Hardship Allowance which I would assume is because she has “unrealiseable assets” because the house is still on the market after 6 months or more. According to the Department of Human Services website they can ask the aged care home to reduce or “suspend” the fees for a short time or pay some or all of the fees for a short time. They also say that if you still need help you can apply again but its best to do so before the current financial arrangement ends. You say that the government is aware of hr financial situation but have you called the Income and Assets division of DHS? If not the number is 1800 227 475.There are other options such as renting the family home or taking out a loan until her house sells however it will depend on your aunt’s circumstances and her current arrangements as to whether this will be possible or beneficial. If DHS is unable to help you I’d recommend you get specialist aged care advice from organisations such as Affinity Aged Care Financial Advisers or Sydney Aged Care Financial Advisers. Both have offices nationally. Regards.
Hi roman12,
I discussed your situation with Robert Craven at Affinity Aged Care Financial Services who specialises in the finances of aged care. Here was his response: If your parents have no significant assets (under $49,500) other than the home, while your mother remains living there, she will be considered a “protected person” and the home will be exempt. Under these circumstances, assuming they have no significant income other than their pensions, your father would have been assessed as a Low Means resident on his date of entry to permanent residential care and his only fee would be the $51.21 Basic Daily Care Fee (85% of the basic rate of the single age pension).When your mother moves to permanent care, the home becomes an assessable asset at the capped rate of $168,351.20 for each of them. Your mother will be required to pay the Basic Daily Care Fee plus a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) until the home is sold & the RAD paid. Once assessed as a Low Means resident, your father will always remain a Low Means resident. However, while the home was protected, with other assets below $49,500, he would have been fully supported so only the Basic Daily Care Fee payable. When the home becomes assessable at the capped rate, he will also be required to pay a Refundable Accommodat.20 or more in assessable assets, his RAC will be $57.14 per day if his facility has been classified as significantly refurbished or newly built or $37.24 per day otherwise both fees reduced by 25% if the facility has less than 40% of Low Means residents. When their home sells, your mother’s RAD will be assessed at 50% for each of them for the aged care fees but will be exempt for the age pension tests. Any surplus sales proceeds will be assessed for both aged care fees and their pensions. Consequently, when the home is sold, they might each be required to pay some Means Tested Care Fees and their aged pensions could be adversely impacted. We always recommend that people seek specialised aged care financial advice.
I have a 98 year old Aunt who I have managed to get into an Aged Care facility. She has a property in Waverley that to date has not sold. The Govt and the facility require fees to be paid that amounts to $2200 more a month than her pension. She has had the Income and Assets assessment done, and so they are fully aware of her monetary situation. She has no other money, which both Govt and facility also are aware of. So, as she has no resources to pay their fees until her property sells, what can be done? Her sight is only about 15-20%, and her hearing is also very poor.Prior to entering the Aged Care Facility she was living with my wife and I, however it was becoming obvious thatwe could no longer give her the care she was now requiring. She has qualified for hardship allowance, however she is still required to pay $81 a day, a portion of this($35.62/Day) is being covered by her pension, but there is still $46/ day to be paid. I am a pensioner also and therefore unable to pay and I am her only liviive.What can I do from here?
Good morningI dont know so many conflicting stories. Can you help.My dad was placed into aged care in August 2017.he has di and Alzheimers. My mum is still living in the home. Dad went into care on concession. If my mum was needing to go into aged care as well would then dad also need to pay the RAD or is he exempt. They own there home. And they have nothing else. Apart from some money put aside for there funeral. They live in Sydney. I was originally told that if mum was to go in dad would remain on concession but mum would have to pay
You indicate that a protected person can live in a family home indefinitely. Does this change when parents die? If not then does the protected person became responsible to maintain the property and pay bills?If after 2 years the house is counted as an asset doesnt this disadvantage to aged person not to be able to sell the house for income to support a higher quality of aged care?My parents currently live in their own home with my sister. My sister is not their carer but Centrelink. I have many concerns about their
Hi again Alkay. Yes, unfortunately, that sounds right. Receiving the Centrelink benefit is key to be qualified as a Protected person.
Hi again. Just an update. I rang the 1800 number quoted above and have learned that since I’m no longer in receipt of a Centrelink benefit I am no longer a protected person and mum’s home will be assessed as an asset after two years of her entering.
Hi again Alkay,
The main benefit of a Protected Person is that the home of your mum is exempted from the Income and Assets test. Your mum’s house might lose this benefit if:1.) You move out of your mum’s home.2.) If your mum’s home is no longer occupied by a protected person (this would be relevant if there is more than one protected person living in your mum’s home.)3.) If you or your mum sells your home. Also regarding rent, I noticed on the Department of Human Services it states that rent needs to be included in the Income and Asset Assessment if your mum has paid a RAD. If your mum is paying a DAP then it doesn’t need to be included. We hope this helps.
The agedcare101 team
Many thanks. Just one more question. How is a Protected Person status maintained?
Hi Alkay,
Thank you for your question. It was good that you were receiving the carers pension. That is a key part of being classified as a Protected Person. It sounds like you should continue to be a Protected Person. If you maintain your Protected Person status, then your mum’s home should not be included in the assets assessment, even after two years. There is a call centre with the Department of Human Services that you can call to verify this. Their number is 1800 227 475. (This is different from the normal My Aged Care call centre.) I would call them and ask the question generally. You don’t have to register the question on an account if you say you’re just gathering information on behalf of someone else.
Hi. I had been caring for my mum until late July when she entered a nursing home. I was receiving the carers pension and also working 3 days per week. My pension stopped after mum entered care. My husband receives an age pension. Mum was only able to pay part of her RAD and of course pays interest on the balance. My husband and I had been living on the same property to care for mum for the last 4 years. To help mum with her costs we are paying rent into her account. Do I still retain protected person status and does her home become assessed as an asset after two years?
Hi Cate,Thank you for your question. Logic says you would keep your protected person status but sometimes the department can be very literal about what they say and you want to confirm that changing houses won’t be a problem. I would advise calling the Department of Human Services on 1800 227 475 and ask them the question. It is a call centre and sometimes information can differ from people to people, so I would actually call twice (assuming you get different people each time) and ask the question again to be sure you get the same answer. I would also ask if you need any type of documentation to confirm that you will still qualify asa protected person after moving houses. When you are on the phone, I would ask the call centre team member’s name and ID number. Note it down with the date and time you called.You certainly don’t want to lose that protected person status. We hope that helps and if you remember, perhaps let us know how you went.
The agedcare101 team.
Hi, I wonder if you can help me. I have been caring for my mother (in late stages dementia now) for four and a half years in Sydney. I will have to put her in care in the next six months,but wish to sell up and move somewhere quieter,as the west connex is at the end of this street and they commence tunnelling and demolition soon. The dept roads said they will buy the house. Will I be covered as a protected person in a new house if I move mum there and then put her in care some months later? It says lived in that house for 2 years? If I move will it still be ok?Thanks
Hi Max,
Thanks for your question. It is our understanding that if you sell your father’s house where you live as a protected person then this changes your status as a protected person. It also changes your father’s assets as the sale of your father’s home will be seen as assessable income. The funds from the property sale may also affect your father’s pension (if he receives one) and it may also increase his means tested fee (if he pays one.) As you can see there is a lot of grey here so the best thing to do is to talk to an Aged Care Financial Specialist. Explain every nuance to them and they will be able to advise you well. As you can see, these decisions can make large financial impacts to your father as well as you. With regards to being a veteran, best to check with https://www.dva.gov.au/ to confirm. We hope this helps.
Hello, I am a protected person living in my father’s home. If I decided I simply wanted to move (sell this house and buy a new one), will this affect my protected status?My father served with the National Service (conscription - home service) in the 50’s and 70’s seperately. Does this make him a veteran?
My husband is now in nursing care and I moved back to the family home ( left because of domestic violence) after 3 years but I am not regarded as a member of couple and protected person by centrelink despite the fact that I was still visiting and taking care of him at the house during day times whilst I was staying away. QCAT appointed The Public Trustee when he was being transferred from the hospital to Nursing home. But I now have no say in his financial affairs and I have to pay the bills of the house out of my age pension whilst they manage all his retirement funds and savings without my input. I fear of being kicked out of the family home when they want to and I can not get any financial from his asset. My husband supports me in my request for taking care of his affairs , wants to come home but I am not sure where I stand in the regulations and laws. Thank you for your kind assistance.
Hi!My mother is in aged care.My brother and I were helping care for her before she had a stroke and are considered protected residents.Now my brother has virtually moved out but has moved in his 18yo daughter and her boyfriend in without my permission. They are creating havoc.Is there any way to evict them?
Hi Trenna,
Thank you for your question. Your understanding is correct. If your sister continues to live in your mother’s home then your mother’s home is not included in her assets and income test. If you sister moves out, then this may change your mother’s means-tested fee which is determined by that assets and income test. The good news is it shouldn’t change the Basic Daily Fee nor should it change her RAD fee (unless she is receiving RAC assistance and then it is possible.)Given that your mother is a gold card DVA I would start by calling them for more clarification. You can reach them on Phone: 1800 555 254 (* calls from mobile phones and pay phones may incur additional charges) or email: GeneralEnquiries@dva.gov.au.You can also speak to the Department of Human Services about the Aged care means test for residential care by calling 1800 227 475.
Hello , can I ask a question please ? My mother needs to go into Aged Care , she receives a fortnightly pension from the DVA (gold card holder) , and my sister has been living with her (helping each other out) for the last 6 years …she receives a disability pension . If my sister keeps living in my mothers’ home as a Protected Person , I gather her home will not be included in her assets . ? What happens if my sister wants to move out in a year or two or three , as she may wish to live closer to her own daughters ? Will this affect my mothers fees (RAD or Daily Fee) ? Thank you , Treena
Thanks for your question.
If your brother is classified as a Protected Person then it is our belief that he can stay in the house indefinitely. The home will continue to be an exempt asset from your mothers means-tested care fee while your brother resides there and retain your Protected Person status. Given that the house is an exempt asset, then it should affect her pension or any of the other costs. The finances around Aged Care are complex and we absolutely recommend that you seek the guidance of an Aged Care Financial Advisor. We hope this helps.